
All interaction types share a set of core response methods. Additional methods are available for specific interaction types.

Base methods

These methods are available on all interactions:

  1. Reply

    Sends an immediate response to the interaction.


    • data: The message content or options.
    await interaction.reply({ content: "Hello!", ephemeral: true });
  2. Defer Reply
    Acknowledges the interaction, showing a "thinking..." indicator to the user, with an option to edit or respond later.


    • data (optional): Options for deferral, such as whether it's ephemeral:
    await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });
  3. Edit Reply
    Edits the initial response to the interaction.


    • data: The updated message content or options.
    await interaction.editReply("Updated message content");
  4. Follow Up
    Sends an additional message related to the interaction.


    • data: The follow-up message content or options.
    await interaction.followUp({
      content: "Another message!",
      ephemeral: true,
  5. Show Modal
    Responds with a modal dialog. This is not available on modal submission interactions.


    • data: Modal data, including components and title.
    await interaction.showModal({
     title: "Example Modal",
     custom_id: "modal_id",
     components: [...],

Command interactions

This method is only available for command interactions


Retrieves an option value from the command.


  • name: Name of the option.
  • required: If true, throws an error if the option is not present.
const user = interaction.getOption("user", true).user();

Message component interactions

This method is only available for components


Edits the original message containing the component.


  • data: New content or message options.
await interaction.update("Updated content");

This method is only available for modal responses


Retrieves a field value from the modal submission.


  • name: Name of the field.
  • required: If true, throws an error if the field is not present.
const fieldValue = interaction.getField("input_name", true);